Attention: COVID-19
We are an essential service based on the Governors statement and our state professional association.
With growing concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, we would like to take a few minutes to reassure our patients that Team Health Care Clinic is currently OPEN and seeing patients.
We want you to know that your safety is our #1 priority.
We do NOT treat sick patients in our office. All patients with a cough, fever or shortness of breath should remain home.
As a 30 year established multi-specialty wellness clinic, we already have strict guidelines and protocols in place to protect the health of our patients. In addition to those protocols, we are taking extra steps to further ensure patient and staff safety.
Our staff has been updated and is following practices as distributed by the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
A deep clean was performed throughout the clinic, including disassembling and disinfecting exam and treatment tables.
Provider’s hands and treatment tables are disinfected before every single patient.
Patients presenting ANY symptoms like a fever or cough will be sent home immediately to self-quarantine or directly to the ER.
We are blessed to have a large clinic. Social distancing can easily be accommodated by spreading patients out in the clinic.
“Parking lot waiting room” for those that want to avoid the standard waiting room. Simply call and inform the front desk that you arrived and they will call you when the provider is ready.
Telemedicine is an option for those that do not feel it is appropriate to leave their home for any reason.
Our lunch hour has opened up for elderly or immune suppressed patient appointments.
Our staff and physicians monitor their own health and stay home should they begin experiencing flu-like symptoms.
If you are sick, the CDC recommends that you stay home to prevent spreading this to others. For severe symptoms, immediately seek further care and evaluation at a local Hospital Emergency Room.
During this time, it is our goal to maintain patient safety with minimal disruption of services to our patients. Please be assured that our facility is a safe place for you to come and get treatment.
We will continue to closely follow the CDC recommendations and will adjust our protocols as advised.
THCC Staff

THCC is a Medicare/Medicaid provider. While federal laws do not allow us to market free services to recipients of these programs, recipients are eligible for covered services at THCC as allowed by these programs. Our office and staff are committed to providing all patients quality healthcare services delivered with dignity and concern; regardless of their race, color, national origin, age, sex, disability and religious or political beliefs.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA*
Individual results may vary.
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