We deliver relief to our patients,

but let them tell you that.

“I feel like I’ve been able to ground myself much better, and not float around from one subject to another, and be able to focus my thoughts more clearly. You should do this, because it’s going to help you. Sometimes it’s hard to make the right decision, but sometimes you just have to take a first step, and start to help yourself, because this will really help you.”
“I’m great. I’m doing a lot better. My progress is very much improved since I started. I’m having less pain in my feet at night, and after the treatments I have no pain at all for at least a day. Thank you!”
“I had pinching in my shoulder in the front, and it was limiting my exercise. What hurt me the most was when I was hanging from the pull-up bar trying to do pull-ups. I started out seeing chiropractic twice a week, and also getting physical therapy twice a week. I did pull-ups today: no pain!”
“My Doctor not only does the adjustment, but she actually listens, and then she and I decide together what the course of treatment is going to be.”
“Numbness in my feet is 10% of what it was when I came in here.”
“My family has all made forward progress. My husband, who was the biggest critic, has noticed progress, and avoided surgery, and he is definitely happy he decided to come. My kids are doing well with their treatments, and I don’t need to come anymore because my ailment is gone!”
“I’ve been seeing Dr. Jay for some time because of a neck injury that I received. The attention that he pays to your muscles, to your vertebrae has been awesome. I feel 100% now. I am 100% better than I was 6 years ago, and I’m still improving day to day. My balance is back, my memory is back, my energy is on a complete turnaround from where I was. It’s been awesome.”
“I came to Team Health Care because I had extreme neuropathy in my legs. I had no feeling in my feet or my toes. Well, I’m very skeptical; I’m a very skeptical person. After 3-4 treatments, I took off my shoes, and walked on a tile floor, and I was shocked. I actually had feeling in my feet. 8 years of not having feeling in my feet. I was shocked. All the people here made me a believer.”
“The value that this program has added to our lives is that Liam is feeling again. He has emotions other than anger, rage, and frustration. He’s calmer. Recently he started actually saying ‘I love you’ without any prompt…He wants to snuggle.”
“Between both chiro adjustments, and acupuncture, I haven’t had any migraines since I started!”
“I did the Vax-D treatment. 20 sessions. I’m feeling really well, really good. My knee pain is essentially gone, my sciatic pain is gone, low back pain is minimal now. It’s a night and day difference.”
“The reason I came in is I injured my back when I was in the military. Last year it flared up really bad to the point of I couldn’t even stand up on my own, had to have assistance, had to have help walking. [Team Health Care Clinic] introduced me to the Vax-D. I went on it…had some issues that first day, but actually recovered really nicely from it, and finished off the treatments. After that I have had zero issues. I’m a big, BIG fan of the Vax-D. It works wonders.”
“I originally came to Team Health Care because of my back issue. Dr. Starr recommended doing Vax-D; [That] and some spinal decompression has given me such relief over the last month. But, what’s more important is they really try to work with you holistically. Every single person I have met I can tell genuinely cares for the patient. That’s something that really sets Team Health Care appart, which is why I’d recommend many people to come here.”
“I would tell anybody who has any whiplash, or any serious back, or serious skeletal issues, to come to the chiropractor’s office. My wife and I have eight kids, and we’ve been coming here for fifteen years. There isn’t one thing they haven’t been able to do or fix. Anything we’ve ever had to deal with.”
“I’ve tried so many things for neuropathy, and I’ve had neuropathy in my feet since I had chemotherapy about 20 years ago. It’s been a month since I was at the clinic, and I am walking. I haven’t walked for 20 years. I’m walking up to a mile at a time, and that is miraculous to me. I would encourage anyone to try it.”
“I hit a deer with my car and got whiplash and a head injury, and started really feeling bad. Dr. Starr, Dr. Joe, they really helped me out. I am overall a lot better. At least 50% better than I was before, so I’m real happy about that.”
“It’s amazing. I went from off-the-charts pain to zero pain, so I would highly recommend coming here.”
“This was my first experience of using a chiropractor, and man, I should have been in sooner. I had trouble with my sciatic nerve, and it wasn’t going away. After a couple of months, between physical therapy and seeing the chiropractor, I can walk, I have no problem with it, and I’m going WOOHOO. I feel good!”
“I am on my second pregnancy in 2 years, and I wanted to stabilize and do some corrective work preparing for labor and delivery. If you’re experiencing pain, or you have some concerns, definitely see a chiropractor. Having a tailored approach to therapy was definitely what I needed.”
“I’m just thrilled with where I’m at today because of how I feel physically, and mentally. I love the clinic. I love how the people care, and the compassion that’s here. Just the depth that they go to help you become a whole person.”
“I really found [chiropractic] beneficial when I was pregnant. I have always found chiropractic to be important, but especially during pregnancy, I was able to see the benefits of feeling really good the entire time. I started chiropractic right away and then I went all the way through until I delivered. I felt so great.”

“They have done a wonderful job. As of last Friday I was actually pain-free for the first time in years. I would recommend any that is having pain in their knees or back, or shoulders and neck, to come on and give Team Health Care a try.”

“Low and behold, after four treatments I did some driving in a tractor that I hadn’t driven in three years. And I could do it, and I was amazed! I was actually shocked that I could sit down and do it.”

“It’s a hard thing to do but I could tell within a week that it was really the right thing to do. For me, this was life-altering and probably (to some degree) life-saving.”

“We have been headache-free for 120 days now. [The allergies] appear to be gone. She had one day of sniffles and that was it.”

“At this point, my pains levels are from a 0 to a 2 at max. I can pretty much do anything I want, within reason. I’ve learned new things I can apply through physical therapy. I feel that the bulged disc in my low back is either gone or very close to gone.”

“My life has changed! I was in discomfort all the time, scratching and burning, and feeling I had cuts in my eyes. I really don’t [have any more symptoms]. That just makes a hug difference.”

“I was thrilled to know there was an alternation to surgery…It has been just a complete turnaround of my mobility. A complete turnaround of motion. I have no pain, nothing runs down my legs, and I’m just very pleased and blessed that I have been able to recover.”