At Team Health Care Clinic, we work with many people who are experiencing digestive symptoms. Leaky gut is
one of the most common problems, causing a number of health issues including weight gain and obesity.

So, just what is leaky gut?

Normally, the cells that line the intestinal tract are held together in tight junctions by linking
proteins. When these proteins break down, the junctions loosen and allow elements to enter the bloodstream that
should remain in the gut. This would include various bacteria, viruses and improperly digested food. This will cause
inflammation and put increased stress on the immune system. A recent study from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart,
Germany shows that increased gut permeability or ‘leaky gut’ is related to weight gain, obesity and fatty liver. This study
concluded that improved diet and weight loss will improve leaky gut as well as fatty liver.

Besides fatty liver, other conditions have been linked with leaky gut:

Nutritional supplements are often incorporated into the treatment of leaky gut.

Nutritional supplements are often incorporated into the treatment of leaky gut.

● Multiple Sclerosis
● Rheumatoid Arthritis
Thyroid Disease
● Colitis
● Lupus
● Eczema
● Inability to Lose Weight
● Anxiety and depression

One of the main causes for leaky gut is an upset of the
microbiome, the beneficial bacteria that live in the digestive
tract. This upset can have many sources such as:

● stress
● poor diet with too many sugars and starches and not enough fiber
● antibiotics
● pain medications including over the counter pain relievers
● lack of exercise
● insomnia
● overgrowth of Candida
● hypersensitivity to various foods, especially gluten

Leaky gut can be identified through a blood test. It can also be treated, mostly by eating better and losing weight.
Additionally, it can be helped by utilizing nutritional supplement support like probiotics, glutamine and other nutrients.
If you are experiencing any of the above conditions your should consider having your gut evaluated take the necessary steps to stop the leak.

Tim Bertsch, DC, DABCI