How to Prevent New Year’s Gym Injuries

How to Prevent New Year’s Gym Injuries

The New Year often brings fresh motivation and resolutions to improve health andfitness. As gym memberships surge in January, so does the risk of gym-relatedinjuries. This can happen for various reasons, including improper technique,overtraining, or using equipment...

Neurofeedback for Anxiety, ADD/ADHD

At Team Health Care Clinic PC we use neurofeedback, a well-studied and effective training device formany conditions, principally anxiety and ADD/ADHD. We have also seen it benefit our patients withdepression, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, autism spectrum disorders,...
10 Ways to Deal with Knee Pain

10 Ways to Deal with Knee Pain

It doesn’t matter the origin. Knee pain is a frequent condition among people worldwide and is the most frequent problem among medical visits. Today, we want to give you ten tips to manage pain from Team Health Care Clinic, so keep reading! Extra pounds, extra...
Tips to Relieve Back Pain at Home

Tips to Relieve Back Pain at Home

You shouldn’t have to live your life in pain or discomfort. 80% of people will experience back pain at some time, but there are ways to find relief. Finding the cause and figuring out the most effective way to relieve it is the best place to start. Read these Tips To...