Tips to Relieve Back Pain at Home

Tips to Relieve Back Pain at Home

You shouldn’t have to live your life in pain or discomfort. 80% of people will experience back pain at some time, but there are ways to find relief. Finding the cause and figuring out the most effective way to relieve it is the best place to start. Read these Tips To...

Trigger Point Injections FAQ’s

Trigger Point Injections have become a popular treatment option for those with pain, numbness, muscle tenderness and decreased range of motion. I have seen great success with the use of Trigger Point Injections to help patients recover more quickly and improve healing...

Piriformis Syndrome: A Pain in the Butt

You have probably heard the phrase “What a pain in the butt!” There are many for whom this becomes quite literal as they experience pain, numbness, tingling or a combination of these in the buttocks and can also radiate into the back of the leg and even into the foot....